Wednesday 8 January 2014

IBM Placement Papers On a Off-Campus Recruitment Process of a Fresher

Selection process consisted of a written test, a technical interview and an HR interview.

Written Test was of 4 sections consisting of 55 questions in 1 hr (Test was conducted by meri-trac).

No negative marking.

Section 1(Verbal Ability):

Consisted of 10 questions.

5 questions were fill in the blanks. They were quite easy and were mainly based on prepositions and use of articles.

I got _______ in traffic and so got late (stuck / stuck up)

Mr. Banerjee was questioned __________ (for / with / to) his connection regarding the murder case.

__ Apple, ____ Banana, ___Egg

What is the meaning of therapeutically?

And more

There was a passage, a technical one (explaining Bank ATM’s working), followed by 5 questions which were easy.

Section 2(Aptitude):

Consisted of 25 questions.

Some questions were on Venn Diagrams (easy ones)

In a party 10 ate fruits, 15 ate cereals and 8 both. What is the number of people who ate at least one?

In a college students can play cricket or basketball. 500 play cricket. 220 played both and 600 played basketball. What is the total strength of college?

In a school 10 can play cricket but only 5 can play both cricket and foot ball 8 can play only football. what is the number of students.

Some were on data sufficiency. They were also quite easy ones.

Question on cube: there is 3 cube of each placed side by side. Each cube is subdivided into 64 parts each. 16 cubes from the top layer of 2nd cube was taken out and 32 cubes from the top 2 layers of 3rd cube. Then the whole object was painted.


1)what is the no. of cubes painted in 1 side alone?

2)what is the no.of cubes painted on 3 sides?

3)what is the no. of cubes painted on all 4 sides?


Some questions were on the following pattern:

In a binary system 1 is written as $ and 0 is written as *. In this system as 1 moves to the left the value of the number doubles itself. (Clearly this was the problem of binary conversions. You just needed to put $ n *s in place of 1s n 0s after doing proper conversions).

Questions were how would nos like 65,252 would be written in the given system.(Just convert them to binary) and what is the LCM of 6,4,8?

Section 3(Attention to detail):

10 questions

Very easy section.

Questions were as to which of the following sets of alphabets, numbers, roman numerals were similar.

They were quite easy to pick out the correct


I & II r same

I & II r same

All r same

None r same.

Same model for numbers and alphabets.

Other set of questions were: If + is replaced by *, - is replaced by /, * is replaced by +, / is replaced by * then calculate 2/65*3+65-23 and so on. (Just hold on patiently and calculate to check which of the given options is correct)

A set of questions were based as:

There were conditions given as to how a marketing executive would be selected and in the following questions individuals with their qualifications were given. Based on the previous conditions given you have to decide whether each one can qualify or not. (Easy set again)

Refer Verbal Reasoning of RS Agarwal

Section 4(Technical):

10 ques

Sum questions on C,database, unix etc

O/p of printf(”%d”,printf(”sum”));

Question on cardinality relationship in a ER diagram (Given)

Question on relationship in Hierarchical database

files can be accessed by_________ (library funs, sys calls, both, none)

Unix is _______(Multi-user & Multitasking)

Files in Bourne shell can be checked by( test -f, if(file), switch(file)

What is the time complexity of quick sort.

Interview (HR & Technical):

Many of my friends had only one interview having both HR n technical.

So be ready for that.

Interview was quite cool having general ques about youself, strengths,

value addition to the company,

why going into software, why IBM? Followed by sum basic questions on C n database.

Also be ready for questions on your core subjects. Then questions like: Have you faced challenges in your life and how you overcame them and how will you accomplish a project in a group.

Write the Algorithm to find number of square in a given figure. One question on GPS car navigation.

How to move randomly to a record in a given file.

Tell me what you know about data structures.

Explain all the concepts of OOP with u as an Object.

from Prepare Interview


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